Expand Your Photocopier’s Capability
We can also supply you with a number of more specific solutions that improve the functionality of your Multifunctional Photocopier.

Printing from mobile devices
Give your business more flexibility
with mobile printing
With mobile print, your staff can have more flexibility,
be efficient, and more effective.
Print to any print solution from any device
Insert your USB drive and you can then print from you USB, or even scan to your USB .

Secure print release
and pull printing
Secure, streamlined and efficient.
In many offices, prints are sent to the nearest device and the document print. If the device is busy or jammed, the user has to wait.
If prints are not collected, paper, toner and clicks are wasted. And what about if that document contains confidential information? That’s a security breach.
The best option is.
Secure print release, users will only print what they need to a chosen device, your productivity will increase, reduce waste and increase security.
Call WBS on 03333 660 721
Here is how secure Print and release works.
User sends a document to print
But not printed just yet
A device is chosen
The user then logs onto the device, by card, fob or pin.
User can select jobs to be printed
Prints held
Print jobs now in the print queue
Ready to be printed
The user selects the jobs and can then still makes sames changes if required
After the pr-set time all jobs in the queue and deleted saving money!